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Durkee White Towne & Chapdelaine Land Surveyors
356 Front Street Chicopee Mass.01013

Call for free estimate 413-592-5164     fax 413-592-3267

Boundary Services

If your boundary needs are for a small lot survey
to a large parcel of land, our team of experts can perform
this service for you in a professional and timely manner.

The primary idea behind a boundary survey is to
re-establish or recover the property corners of for any given piece
of property and to then produce a map that delineates the property.
This is a highly regulated process and the law requires a
Professional Land Surveyor to supervise the project and to place
a state authorized seal & signature on the final map.

Boundary surveying is a highly detailed and
intricate process that requires a variety of skills.
The basic steps involved include the initial client consultation,
the governmental and title research of the subject
property and surrounding properties, field inspection,
field measuring, collection of evidence, comparison of
field evidence to governmental and title research,
determination of boundary lines, re-setting missing property corners,
preparation of the final Record of Survey or Corner Record and
delivery of survey map to the client.

We have been in Business for over 110 years now Call us for a free esimate  413-592-5164